
Persuasive Essay On Why School Should Be Later

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Students have been fighting their parents for years about having to get up at the crack of dawn to get dressed, and look presentable for the next eight hours of their day. School times have never been something that is not a problem with most all students and parents. Not only do these early mornings cause stress for the students, but even the parents who have to get up just as early, and force their child out of bed. Parents must suffer just as much as their child purely because some schools believe it is a good idea to get students into their school as early as they can. Between parents, students, and school officials, start and end times have been controversial for years. Everyone has a different opinion on it where some believe earlier should be the best option, and others believe later should be the best option. Each side comes with their own benefits and downfalls, but should a school day be longer, or shorter for students? Schools act as if starting earlier would be better for students, and teachers. However, students are having to adjust to starting their school years earlier by setting alarms back, or by having their parents force them out of bed with the idea that this is good for them, and it will be how the rest of their life will work. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute followed up on the idea by recommending teenagers receive nine to ten hours of sleep per night. Six studies, two of which were controlled, were held to further back up this information. They found found that delaying the start of school from 25 to 60 minutes increased sleep time for students 25 to 72 minutes. It was also found that students in the study went to bed at their normal bedtime, and got more sleep in the long run. A parent wrote to Carroll in response saying, “You ask if it is too long or too short, and I say both - too long for teachers who are already putting in a full day, too long for students who are burned out by the end of the school day, too long for mandated children that have to bide their time before their after school programs start, and too short to be any real use,” (Carroll). Studies have been held for schools start times all across the country, and the University of Central Connecticut State

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