
Persuasive Essay On Creativity

Decent Essays

Everyone on earth is born with a creative mind that could develop the next multimillion dollar idea. As youngsters, we effortlessly express our creativity simply on drawings or on imaginary stories. Once high school arrives, ideas slowly diminished due to the criticism a simple idea could gather. A human muscle is precisely very much alike to a creative mind. For example, a fit individual who would constantly attend the gym would loose is strengths extremely quickly if he stoped going. In the same token, creativity if left unattended for long period of time it eventually becomes powerless. An individual will have to undertake a creative project or consistently think of solutions to existing problems in order to obtain the strength of the creative muscle. For this reason, the book Simply Brilliant explains the myths and tips most successful corporations undergo to influence creativity in the work place. The three most impacting ideas were, determining the culture of a company, brainstorming using the phoenix list, and using scamper to improve on existing product. I believe this tools could help and individual quiet easily express their creativity and solve solutions more rapidly. During my four years in college, the word culture has been expressed multiple times. It has been apparent in multiple test; yet, not a fully coherent meaning has been express. Explained in the book, culture is the most important aspect for a successful company to flourish. The culture inspires

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