
Persuasive Essay On Child Welfare

Decent Essays

Laws in most states mandate that reasonable efforts be provide to families who become involved with child welfare agencies. Social workers, on behalf of the agency toil to provide reasonable efforts to families. Presumptively, reasonable efforts are provided for families to mitigate the issues that brought them to the attention of child protection agency.

Child welfare systems are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of children and families. The mission of this system is a noble one and can be very rewarding and beneficial for all involved. Ironically, that same system that is designed to help families in times of crisis can be, harsh and challenging to families and social workers.

It is a reasonable argument that child welfare service entities are necessary as it is all too frequent that child abuse/neglect cases are heard all over the nation and is ultimately a world health issues. Increasing social issues such as unstable families, poverty, crime, poor education, lack of access to health care and mental health services are some of the factors that contribute to this continuous epidemic that affects many people from various socio-economic classes. Many nations have taken steps to enhance and improve efforts in the fight against the mistreatment of children.

Awareness and recognition of child maltreatment issues has had a positive impact upon many families who have benefited from the interventions being offered. In the United States, billions of dollars are

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