
Persuasive Essay Homework

Decent Essays

“Thirty-eight percent of parents--more than one in three-- say their kids are getting too much homework. Twenty-six percent say they’re not getting enough, while 36 percent say it’s just right” (Luke, 2015, p.2). Not all students enjoy homework or retain much from doing it, yet we still have it. Having homework has lead to two sides, let’s take a bigger look at both sides of homework. Students and parents of different communities are coming together to question this topic on whether or not there is benefits and what teachers can do better. Some of the benefits to having homework is that it encourages responsibility and higher academic achievements, but that together leads to a con of homework. Homework affects kids health by causing stress, anxiety, and depression. Health issues are not positive resulting in kids not wanting to learn anything, they naturally turn it off. Whether homework is a good thing or not it allows parents and teachers to see progress within and individual. Along with all these pros and cons there are a few things that meant in the middle. Homework needs to show a students achievement and be manageable for them. When homework is manageable it give students motivation to achieve everything they originally set out to do. Although homework has its goods and bads it can meet in the middle to see both sides. Some believe homework encourages responsibility, higher academic achievement and allows parents to monitor students; others believe it creates stress

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