
Personal Theology of Discipleship Essay

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Personal Theology of Discipleship Just what is theology? This question can have a wide variety of answers, from irrelevant facts about God thought up by men centuries ago, to complicated theories discussed by scholars. Typically, the average 21st century man does not consider theology as relevant. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Theology by definition has the characteristics of both expounding the truth, and impacting the believer with that truth (Himes, 2011). Therefore, theology and the church are intricately combined, in that the church embodies the revelation of God, and is reality, not theory (Himes, 2011). A personal practical theology must begin with revelation, not the individual (Himes, 2011), and proclaim …show more content…

Through the interactions in the Huddle, the disciple learns through the reminder of the shapes that he is a follower of Christ rather than merely performing actions defined by Christ (Breen, and Cockram, 2011). The LifeShapes model was given a very positive view by Chafee (2010) where he affirms that Jesus showed His followers how to multiply disciples by calling them to follow Him. Central to this model are the shapes, which serve as a contemporary reminder for the believer of living for the King (Chafee, 2010). As a system, the simplicity and practicality of this biblically based model makes it quite effective.
The Celebration of Disciplines Model Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline, was first published in 1978. It presented sets of Disciplines that, if followed, would serve as vehicles for a deeper relationship with Christ as well as preparation for service. These disciplines are divided into three broad categories: the Inward Disciplines, the Outward Disciplines, and the Corporate Disciplines (Foster, 2003). Each category contains four Disciplines, which indicated by their titles, moves the disciple from the very personal to the larger congregational community (Foster, 2003). Recognizing humanity’s trend to make any process a law or regulation to follow, Foster warned against this by reminding the disciple that to do so would turn

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