
Personal Narrative: My Compostie Function

Satisfactory Essays

I used the given information and set up my compostie function to be A(r(T) = 3.14(5T)^2 I then used the function to plug in 10,24,48 into the function. I had to convert 10 days into hours because the function was orginally in hours. For (i) 10 hours I set up the equation to be 25(10)^2(3.14) I solved it and got an answer of 7853.982 and rounded the answer up to 8,000 square miles. For(ii) 24 hours I set up the same equation but placed 24 in where 10 was in (i) and got 45238.934 as my answer and I rounded it up to 45,000 square miles. For (iii) 48 hours I repeated the work in (i) and (ii) and just placed 48 the same spot 24 and 10 was in. I solved and got 180953.737 and then rounded it up to 181,000 square miles. For (iv) 10 days, first

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