
Personal Narrative: My Birth

Decent Essays

After the initial shock and awe of finding out I was pregnant after 10 years of struggling and wondering if I would ever have the baby I had been dreaming of for so long, I began to plan every detail of my birth. I found a midwife and birth center when I was 8 weeks pregnant. I hired a doula at 12 weeks. My birth plan was written and finalized at 24 weeks. Every detail was planned-I had even planned the song that would be playing when my son would make his appearance. I'm a recovering control freak. At 41 weeks, my back began to ache. I talked to my doula and we decided that my body just was preparing for the work of labor, I lost my mucus plug that evening. At 5:30 A.M. on the second day of my forty-first week, my water broke. I called …show more content…

I was sure that we would be sent home to labor more at home, but my husband insisted that we pack my "go" bag just in case. Thank God he did! After talking to the midwife a bit and my water breaking fully, it was time to check my blood pressure. This is the moment that my birth plan fell apart. My blood pressure was 180/101. Not only was my blood pressure dangerously high, I had to be transferred to Vanderbilt Medical Center immediately. I was devastated. I wanted my birthing tub and my midwife and my plan. I've never cussed or cried in front of or at sweeter people than I did in that …show more content…

As the nurses put an oxygen mask on my face, the head OB/GYN began explaining that my son's heart rate had fallen from 150 beats per minute to 40 beats per minute. They were able to get his heart rate back to normal, but they would need to do internal monitoring and, if his heart rate dropped again, I would be prepped for a c-section immediately. I was at 9.5 cm and I was terrified. Not only was this not my dream birth, this was a nightmare. After a 36 hours roller-coaster ride, I became a mother;my son was born. He weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces and was 21 inches

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