
Personal Narrative: Johnna Brown

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Johnna Brown. The lovely mother of two, and the amazing wife any man would dream of, the best pet spoiler there is, and the perfect friend. That right there can say so much about someone without even knowing who they are. Johnna, my mother, is such a talented person. Along with this, she is also a mentor and therapist. Last, she devotes her every waking seconds to the ones she loves. First off, my mother is by far one of the most talented and creative people you will ever meet. She was a great cheerleader in high school resulting in doing back and front flips, along with being the loudest to call out the cheers. She can ride a horse like no one's business as well. When she was much younger, around the age of 20-30 or so, she broke/trained her horse Vegas. This horse was as stubborn as a mule and bucked her off several times, rolled her in the pond, and would never let you catch him! However, she was great at taking all of his stubbornness and turning it into a well trained and well devoted horse. To add onto both of those, she is very creative and crafty. Every now and then a different accessory on the porch or inside the house is painted differently, or made more warming and revolved around …show more content…

When I am having troubles of my own and need someone who will truly listen, she gives me great advice whether I like the outcome or not. She has guided and molded my sister and I into young ladies who know their self worth and who will not back down from anything. I have always looked up to my mother because she is strong as an ox, and by that I mean mentally, physically, and emotionally. She is simply this compared to any one I have ever met. As I have grown each day I follow her and pay attention to the things she does because one day I hope I can become at least half as great as she is. I say half because honestly, I don’t know if anything can beat

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