
Performance Related Pay

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1. Basic of performance-related pay (PRP)
The popular reward system, performance-related pay (PRP) is defined as ¡¥a method of payment where an individual employee receives increases in pay based wholly or partly on the regular and systematic assessment of job performance¡¦ (Lewis, 1998). It is based on the expectancy theory that employees will increase their effort and/or direct it in specific directions to receive higher payment. (Taylor, 2000)

It usually takes one of the following two forms. The first form is merit-based. In this form, line managers evaluate the work performance of people who work beneath them. Part of employees¡¦ remuneration is then tied to the evaluation. The second form is goal-based. At the start of the …show more content…

Firstly, it can be used to reduce trade union power. Since managers have to evaluate the performance of their team members, which also affects the level of pay, team members become more dependent on the line managers, and less dependent on trade union. (Lewis, 2001)

Secondly, it is an effective method of distinguishing good employees from the bad. By rewarding them accordingly, it sends the ¡¥right messages¡¦ to both types of workers, telling the good ones that the organisation thinks they are valuable and wants to keep them, and informing the bad ones that the organisation are happy to lose them. By sending the ¡¥right messages¡¦, it has a positive effect on the motivation of good employees, and forces the bad ones leave. Both effects are good for the organisation. (Kessler & Purcell, 1992)

Thirdly, it is a means of restructuring relationship between the line managers and workers. By giving the line managers greater responsibility, e.g. define the required performance, make ¡¥tough¡¦ decisions about employee¡¦s performance and pay, it forces the managers and employees develop a kind of face-to-face relationship. (Kessler & Purcell, 1992)
Fourthly, it can be used as a method to extend management control. The implementation of PRP results in a

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