
Perfectionism In Sports Essay

Decent Essays

many young athletes’ perceptions that their parents expect them to be extraordinary and would criticize them if they failed to deliver. The added pressure from coaches to be perfect can also deter young athletes’ focus on doing what is right or doing what will allow them to succeed and ultimately satisfy their parents and coaches desires (Madigan, Stoeber & Passfield, 2016). There has also been an idea that “perfectionism” plays a factor in the use PED’s in adolescent sports. Madigan, Stoeber and Passfield ‘s article also discusses a recent theory that suggests that perfectionism is a personal factor contributing to athletes’ vulnerability to doping. By employing a cross-sectional design, their study examined perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in 129 male junior athletes differentiating four aspects of perfectionism: perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, parental pressure to be perfect, and coach pressures to be perfect (Madigan, Stoeber & Passfield, 2016). I believe that this is a sufficient way to determine the specific causes of doping in young athletes and can give an accurate answer to the question of “Does perfectionism play a key role in doping among young athletes?” At the end of their study, Madigan, Stoeber and Passfield discovered that there was a positive correlation between parental pressure to be perfect and positive attitudes towards doping. Additionally, young athletes who thought that …show more content…

In an article by Kim Notle, Steyn Barend, Pieter E. Kruger & Lizelle Fletcher from the University of Pretoria in the Republic of South Africa called, Mindfulness, Psychological Well-Being and Doping in Talented Young High-School Athletes, the authors attempt to determine how attentiveness and psychological well-being relate to the propensity to use Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) in a sample of talented young

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