
Pay For Performance

Decent Essays

I am a firm believer in pay for performance methods. How many times have you seen your co-workers not meet their performance goals and still get an annual raise? In the Military everyone is getting paid regardless of performance. You can put your heart and soul into your craft or do the bare minimum and the results the same. “A Pay for performance philosophy assumes that compensation decisions reflect performance differences”(Valentine, p. 377). For this assignment I chose organizational pay for performance example. When you think about the hourly workers on the vehicle assembly line what do you think of? You probably don’t think of them as employees with any buy in or stake in the company. They are just the hands and feet of the company not the brains. General motors (GM) are changing all of that within their organization. In 2011 “General Motors announced that it would start to share its profits with its hourly workers as part of a larger agreement the company signed with the United Auto Workers (UAW) union”("Why automakers are adopting pay for performance") …show more content…

First, it gives the arms and legs a stake in the companies fortune. If everyone works as a team and production is up you get more money. Are you more likely to work harder if you know it will make a difference in your pay? GM is willing to put money on it being the case. Second, GM is trying assist in creating more jobs for the people of America. They can do this by paying less hourly with performance based incentives plus possible bonuses. This has the potential to save the company money on under performing personnel. “Manufacturers in general are primed for this compensation system because they can use very specific performance metrics: producing more units in less time for less money spells positive business results”("Why automakers are adopting pay for

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