
Patterns By Amy Lowell Patterns

Decent Essays

The Application of T.S. Eliot’s Theory on Amy Lowell’s “Patterns”

Amy Lowell’s poem is about a woman in the 18th century, whom is bound by her own society as most women were at the time. One of the examples that showed her shackled and imprisoned was made apparent on how she dressed in the quote “Held rigid to the pattern, by the stiffness of my gown,” the gown stiffness here represent a symbol of her society and how she was held by it every single day in her life. Her society at that time wanted women to act passively by not expressing their feelings and emotions fully. Therefore, She tried to break the “pattern” in her life, by marrying her to be husband, whom she was in love with, but she was not able to express her emotions fully. Because her lover died in a war, to an extent when she heard the news about his death, she was not able to express her grief as society did not welcome this kind of behavior, making her stuck in this pattern, this Application of T.S. Eliot Theory on Amy Lowell’s “Patterns” will try to find whether Amy passes the Eliotian test of writing a successful modern poem or not. T.S. Eliot, …show more content…

Eliot spoke about has been achieved by Amy Lowell magnificently. Therefore, she reached the Traditional sense as both the Historical and Traditional sense are the faces of the same coin. She knew that the past and the present are both connected by one web. It was apparent when she connected the chain of events in the poem to her advantage just to show this problem. The problem by living a life of “patterns” and being bound by society, which makes this poem not that original, because many people spoke about this problem before, but she herself as a talented writer, she added more to it. These “patterns” would represent us going into life with the same cycle over and over, almost like a daily routine, that each day takes a part away, till we all left empty-handed without any sort of feelings or

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