
PG13: Intense Sequences

Decent Essays

PG13: Intense Sequences of Sci-Fi Violence and Action, and For Brief Strong Language Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures, Tencent Pictures, 1 Hr and 58 Minutes Cast: Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman, Brie Larson, Jing Tian, Toby Kebbell, John Ortiz, Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell, Shea Whigham, Thomas Mann, Terry Notary, John C. Reilly REVIEW: I remember back to 2014 when San Diego Comic Con announced the new reimagining of King Kong. Before the Deadpool test footage leaked that summer, that was the ultimate film I was excited for. A NEW KING KONG MOVIE THAT TAKES PLACE ON THE ISLAND FINALLY? I’m exhausted of seeing Kong doing the same shit film after film. You see one King Kong film you see them all. I wasn’t even …show more content…

The VFX team put all their best into the film as it tests the barrier of it being a PG13 film. People get dismembered, torn, eaten, squished, in many brutal ways. The action sequences seem like they’re directed by Zack Snyder and Michael Bay, but Vogt-Roberts does it in the best way. There are many shots of slo-mo action in the vain Snyder’s 300 was and plenty of explosions in the vain any given Transformers movie is filmed. What makes it work though is its setting. The film takes place on SKULL ISLAND where small humans are fighting against creatures of larger scale. There aren’t any innocent civilians in the action. It’s only the soldiers vs. these creatures. Explosives are entirely necessary for this situation and the slo-mo makes a lot of the action a lot of fun int he same way Guilemmero Del Toro did in Pacific …show more content…

Its humor is on par with Fonzie Bear telling a joke. He’s only funny when he’s not trying to be. What makes it a bit heartbreaking is seeing the screenplay is written by Dan Gilroy who was nominated for in an Academy Award writing the 2014 film Nightcrawler (one of the best and most underrated films of that year), but then he’s not the only writer credited. Oh yes, this was written by Gilroy and Max Borenstein who wrote the 2014 Godzilla film and several episodes of the short-lived FOX Minority Report series. So you know which one probably messed up with the screenplay. Because of this, the film’s dialogue ranges from cool to incredibly cringe AND GOD is a lot of the dialogue cringe. It’s not even subtle when it’s setting up its character types. You know the type of character Samuel L. Jackson is right when he’s introduced due to the score being played so ominously and loud. If every aggressive soldier stereotype was possessed into with Jackson you get a chilling antagonist who is given the best dialogue in the entire film. It’s like he and Reilly were the only characters with dialogue written by Gilroy and everyone else was written by

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