
Overview of the Roaring Twenties

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The “Roaring Twenties” were an age of dramatic political, social, and economic change. Women wanted new and improved rights and the nation’s wealth doubled between 1920 and 1929. Culture, values, and the technology of America changed and it had only just begun. The “Roaring Twenties” were considered as a “celebration of youth”. The many experiences that came from WWI had transitioned into the growth of cities, new industries, and new morals. Women finally won the right to vote in 1920, and there were new roles for them in the workplace. Many of the social changes greatly affected the new world. There was an increasing availability of birth control which eventually led to a decline of the birth rate. Technology made everything easier …show more content…

Louis Armstrong was a stupendous trumpet player whom made many historical recordings in the 1920s. Also, during this age all the people wanted to do was dance, and New York was the most popular place to be. There were many different new dances during the jazz age that were popular. Some were the cake walk, the black bottom, the flea hop, and most popular, the jitter bug. Many jazz bands played at dance halls in New York City and in the Aragon in Chicago. All of the radio stations around America played jazz. During this time, 100 million phonograph records were sold in 1927 alone. Some of the older people disagreed with the jazz music’s objective of vulgarity and immoral situations (History1900s). The Jazz Age was also marked by many artists, authors, and scientists. One famous artist was F. Scott Fitzgerald, who wrote the “Great Gatsby” in 1925. It took him five months to write. This book explained and magnified the “Roaring Twenties” and the Jazz Age. Another wonderful author was Theodore Dreiser. He wrote “An American Society”. This novel described the urban settings and economic problems (Course-Notes). One of the most famous authors of this time was Ernest Hemingway, who wrote “A Farewell to Arms”. He depicted the lives of men and women’s values during and after WWI (Yoonhee). These were some of the most known authors of the Twenties. The Jazz Age also led to an increase of drunkenness throughout the

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