
Of Mice And Men Analysis Loneliness

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Analyzing Loneliness Loneliness, a state of sadness due to no friends or company. Causing isolation, neglect, it results in lack of friends. All around the world there are people who suffer with loneliness, for they have no one to call theirs. In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George, a very short yet sharp man and his companion Lennie, a very large, shapeless man with intellectual disabilities work from farm to farm in California during the time of the Great Depression. George and Lennie both dream of having a small ranch of their own, but Lennie always does something wrong which forces them to run away until . When they settle on one ranch specifically, no troubles occur until Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife. Because George wants Lennie to be at peace, he finds that he must kill him rather than make Lennie suffer with the guilt and consequences of what he did. In the story, many characters feel lonely. They are the outcasts of the ranch who want nothing more than company and someone that will talk to them. However, as hard as some try, none of them succeed. Crooks wants to talk to the men on the ranch, but his black complexion results in them avoid making eye contact with him. …show more content…

Curley’s wife could not talk to any of the men on the ranch due to Curley’s belief the men want something more than a conversation, Crooks always stays in his room alone unless someone unexpectedly visits, Candy tries to hide his loneliness, but when he hears about George and Lennie’s dream, he begs to be a part of it. Curley’s wife constantly attempts having a conversation with any one on the ranch, but none of the men do, for they fear Curley will hurt them. Of all these characters, none of them have success in leaving their loneliness in the past. Even in the world around them, there is no hope for loneliness in most

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