
Ocean Acidification Effects

Decent Essays

Ocean acidification has numerous causes, but there are even more effects than there are causes. The many effects have an impact on not only marine animals but humans too. Some of these effects include issues associated with coral reefs, organisms under the sea, and human businesses. This problem that seems to be a simple issue is an important source of loss of sea creatures and income. This is the main reason that we need to control ocean acidification.The effects of ocean acidification both above and below the ocean’s surface are detrimental to the environment. One major effect is the impact on coral reefs. The reefs are made up of coral polyps. These small creatures need carbonate ions in order to grow. With a lack of these molecules, …show more content…

With this obstacle in their way, shellfish are forced to use what little energy they have to search for the molecules. The shellfish babies cannot handle this very well. They are using most of their energy trying to build a shell. If they needed to defend themselves from danger, it becomes harder for them due to lack of energy. Because of this, many young shellfish die before they can fully grow. The effects on marine species also have effects on the entire marine food chain. When populations of a species decline, the predators of that group become affected. Eventually, the whole food chain has been impacted in some way. Although there are many organisms that are negatively affected, there are a few that can thrive. Specifically among these are photosynthetic types of sea life. They are able to live under these conditions because of their need for carbon dioxide. With so many extra molecules of it, these organisms can thrive. However, there are also a few negative impacts of the thriving photosynthetic beings. Because they grow so quickly, they can dominate an area. This could lead to less biodiversity because the slower growing plants would have less space to grow. With a lack of room, they would …show more content…

There are a few different negative effects on humans, which include impacts on tourism, income, and food. First of all, many businesses raise or use marine life. When these organisms die at a faster rate, there are fewer products for the company to use to gain money. This has a major effect on many people and families. People lose jobs as well when the creatures die

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