
Obama Care Vs Universal Healthcare

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Most Teenagers my age have a very small grasp on our country's politics and what's actually going on in the country and all around the world. Some of them don't even care because they say it doesn't matter or it won't affect them. But they are wrong because what happens in our country's government will affect every single person's future in some way. So it is much better to keep informed about what's going on so you could decide what you agree and disagree on with some background information on the topics. They could get some of this information from watching the news but mos tteenagers do not. Since some students don't take a political or current events class they lack the knowledge on the differences between our countries to main political …show more content…

Overall most democrats all support some version of universal healthcare. They all think the government should be involved in the healthcare system of its citizens. Universal healthcare is when the government provides and pays for your health care. The Democrats think that every American citizen has the right to affordable healthcare. During Barack Obama's first term he introduced something called the Affordable Care Act also as some call it Obamacare. This was suppose to help Americans find ways to get cheap health care and limit what Health Insurance companies can charge you for on your plans with them. Also they think that the programs that we have now like Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security should be expanded and opened up to a larger group of people. As you can get from their stances on expanded government healthcare programs they are for a very big government that has many different parts to …show more content…

Conservatism is defined as the belief in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society (Merriam-Webster). Another definition of it is the dislike of change or new ideas in a particular area (Merriam-Webster). So most of their policies are rooted in tradition and history, generally keeping things the way they have been in the past. Another one of the ideologies they have in their party's Fiscal Conservatism this means they are pro-big businesses and think you should have low income taxes and also they want to deregulate the economy (Justin Quinn). From this economic ideology it goes hand and hand with their main stance on making a smaller government to control less of your life. Also they generally would rather keep things the same than changing

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