
Nt1310 Unit 2 Research Paper

Decent Essays

Entry 2: Technology to Enhance Instruction
Integrating Instructional Technology
The use of technology in the classroom is an important tool to utilize as an educator. Technology allows for educators to have instant access to a plethora of resources that would not be available if technology was not used in the classroom. Teachers have the ability to plan lessons, create presentations, and have interactive games for students to use as a learning tool through the use of different digital devices. Modern day technology is rapidly advancing and providing teacher with many different tools to use in the classroom to enhance the students learning experience. “iPad or Tablet” iPads and tablets have become a popular choice of teachers in many classrooms worldwide due to the positive impact it has on the students. Tablets offer a wide variety of educational applications that have the ability to be downloaded onto the tablet for the students to use. The use of tablets in the classroom, “offer a unique home-school connection by providing students with a classroom experience that relates to the technology-saturated real world” (Blackwell, 2013, pg. 233) The use of iPads and tablets in the classroom provides students with a hands on learning approach to any …show more content…

The first benefit that technology has in the classroom is the ability for students and educators to have any information that they need at their fingertips. When trying to teach a concept teachers can refer their students to specific web searches, games, or other resources that can be found on the internet. In the same way though having instant gratification through being able to look up anything on the internet can affect the way that students learn. Instead of doing work on their own students have the ability to type problem into a search engine and it will likely give them the answer for their

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