
North Carolina Gold Rush Research Paper

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Money has been been a big central network in developing our country today. Back then people used to barter items with others, so they could get different things they may need things like corn, fish, wheat, and etc. Salt was another commodity money salt was very difficult to obtain mainly in the inner countries and it is very good to cook with because it adds flavor to your food. In the south people became so wealthy because they didn't use money either there was a system called “Mit’a” from the age of 15 young Incan males had to do physical labor to state of a set of days. They built public buildings and places in return the government all the basic necessities of life food, clothing, tools, housing and, etc. The first known currency …show more content…

In 1799 marks the start of the North Carolina Gold Rush. twelve year old Conrad Reed found the gold in the waters of lake meadow and where he took it home and used it as a doorstop for over three years. In 1802 Conrad father decided to take the rock to a jeweler who confirmed that the rock was gold and he bought it for 3.50 and later profiting a lot of it. Reed soon realized he had been swindled he aligned himself with partners in a crude mining operation at the site where his son found it at. The men scoured the bank and sandbarr using things like picks, shovel, pans, and gold panning to separate the heavy gold particles from the lighter sand rocks. Miners that was small time farmers sifted through sand and gravel along the NC’s streams and rivers. Since mining for gold only use simple equipment, a shovel and a pan to separate the gold people from all over the state and people from close areas wanted to try their luck. Gold in California was big deal too. On January 24, 1848 James wilson Marshall a carpenter from New Jersey found flakes of gold in American River at the base of sierra Nevada. Even though Marshall was trying to keep the discovery under wraps word go out to the people. By mid-March the newspaper was reporting that a large amount of gold was being turn up at Sutter’s Mill. As the News spread that fortunes are being made in California the first migrants to arrive was the ones that was accessible by …show more content…

For Americans firsts 70 years private entities and not the federal government issued paper money. Notes that was printed by the states chartered banks which could of been exchange for gold and silver. From the founding of the United States passage of National Banking Act 8,000 different countries issued currency which created a widely money supply facilitated rampant counterfeiting. By establishing a single national currency the National Banking act eliminated the overwhelming variety of paper money circulating throughout the country and created a system of banks chartered by the federal government rather than by the states. The law also assisted the federal government in financing the Civil War. Before gold and silver was discovered in the west the United States lacked sufficient quantity of precious metals for minting coins. A 1793 law permitted spanish dollars and other foreign coins to be a part of the American monetary system. Foreign coins was not banned until 1857. The highest bill ever produced by the United States Bureau of Engraving and printing was the $100,000 gold certificate. The money was printed between December 18, 1934 and January 9, 1935 with the picture of President Woodrow on the front. The notes wasn’t available to the public they were only use for transaction

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