
Nike : Just Do It

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Nike: Just Do It. McDonald’s: I’m Lovin’ It. Nowadays, everything we buy has a message behind it. Advertisements are filled with motivational, emotional, and spiritual messages that provoke and inspire. In a world where advertisements are as abundant as flies and just as annoying, marketers must find a way to rekindle consumers’ interest in products. Marketers need to find a way to not just coexist with culture, but to become it.
In order to become a part of culture, marketers must make advertisements not just tolerable, but almost desirable. This is where marketers turn to emotional branding. Emotional branding creates a message behind a product or brand, associating a certain emotion to the brand such that the thought of the emotion …show more content…

A brand manager would give a product an identity that distinguished it from its competitors rather than of the indistinguishable qualities of the products themselves. It wasn’t until the 1990s when the term “emotional branding” was coined, described as the “corrective to the shortcomings of the conventional benefit-driven approach to branding” (Thompson et al). As the effectiveness of this technique becomes apparent, the commercial world will start to change to become the world of emotional brand identities seen today.
The first step of using emotional branding effectively is the message itself. What type of message, what kind of emotion, will be so memorable to consumers that it becomes a part of their culture, that the emotion becomes synonymous with the product? Marketers must find out what it is consumers want and need, and then offer that up to them attached to the product. Market research is used to understand the customer, to find out what they desire in the product. Market researchers conduct survey after survey and investigation after investigation asking consumers to describe why they buy the products they buy. However, some claim that this traditional approach to market research is flawed. Most people, when answering these survey questions, have absolutely no idea why they did what they did, concocting whatever reason they could think of that makes sense. Market Researcher

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