
Nativism In The 1800s

Decent Essays

Benjamin Franklin once said “In short, unless the stream of their importation could be turned...they will soon so outnumber us, that all the advantages we have, will, in my opinion, be not able to preserve our language, and even our government will become more precarious.” Written in a letter in 1750 by our very own Founding Father Benjamin Franklin in regards to the high volume of migrating Germans into the colony of Pennsylvania. To many readers they could easily expect these words from nativist, but hearing it from one of the most influential people in history it conveys a lot about the shaping of the United States and where its roots of nativism started. Nativism is defined as 'a policy favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants'. …show more content…

Nativism comes about in times when the US economy is low and their is a higher unemployment rate. Alot of times, citizens who have lived in the US and who are primarily white, feel that it is unfair that an immigrant who is not of this land have a job that belongs to another white man. With events like the Great Depression and WWI, nativism was a mental disease that was being spread amongst the white race. The nativistic belief caused for the passage of so many unfair and unconstitutional laws that prevented the success of immigrants and even push a lot of them out. The sad reality of it is that white Americans were the ones who dragged in so many immigrants to begin with which showed the world that the US is a land of opportuntity. So on behalf of a hypocritical country, the truth for many years to come will be demonstrated to students of all races throughout all colleges that offer Asian American Studies. The Asian Americans deserved to be noticed for the harsh conditions they faced in the past and it is not something that can be brushed away by the government. With people like Ancheta, and Sanchez, the world can forever be informed of past and it will never be

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