
Native Language And Indigenous Language

Decent Essays

Language is one of many components that identify a group of people to their culture. Unfortunately, there are quite a few obstacles that challenge indigenous people learning their native language. The loss of a language distances groups farther from their native roots, which is exactly opposite of the efforts being made in Canada. Learning and practicing an indigenous language fulfills one’s role as an engaged citizen and allows for engagement within a culture. The McGill Tribune published Jenny Shen’s article discussing these common issues regarding revitalizing indigenous languages in Canada. Shen interviews Chelsea Vowel, a woman of Métis descent, who has committed herself to indigenous language education. Vowel states, “The language is what holds our culture together like glue. There is no separation in my mind.” She also points out that it has become harder for people of indigenous descent to learn their language for a number of reasons. Problems that arise consist of not being completely engaged in the native language, deciphering between dialects, and funding issues. The loss of indigenous languages in Canada is a contemporary issue of great concern because many indigenous and nonindigenous people realize the extent of culture loss once a language has dissipated. Shen also gathered information from Anna Daigneult, the Latin America project coordinator and development officer at Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages. This institute is an organization

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