
National Quality Framework Analysis

Decent Essays

In today’s classrooms, schools and educational settings, teachers and educators are overloaded with the responsibility to produce data, analyse students learning and development and assess this against the National Quality Framework outcomes, the Australian curriculum and State Curriculum and Standards. With this high demand each day, teachers and educators need to find a way to best utilise their time with their students’ and use strategies and learning approaches to get the most out of the learning experiences. By integrating an inquiry approach into a classroom, teachers and educators are providing students with a well-rounded approach to learning. Murdoch (2015) describes an inquiry approach as ‘an approach that places the learner …show more content…

Both Piaget’s and Vygotsky Constructivist theories supports this framework, Piaget believed that children learn by being active participants, by exploring and discovering new concepts on their own they will construct their own knowledge and understanding (Kearns, 2010, p.38). Vygotsky believed that a child’s knowledge was developed through social transmissions, cultural experiences and language activities (Woolfolk & Margetts, 2013, p,322). The author strongly believes ‘students learn best when they are given a variety of tools and opportunities to learn in different ways and with the right learning objectives children will develop higher order thinking skills’ (Pfeffer, 2017). The National Quality Framework’s [NQF] (2008) states that ‘Quality education and care early in life shapes every child’s future and lays the foundation for development and learning’. The author believes that quality education and care stems from providing children with multiple opportunities to learn and develop. Like Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory, the author suggests that ‘all children are …show more content…

Theorists such as Dewey, Gardner, Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky and many others based their work around the constructivist theory that knowledge is constructed from the child being an active participant in the development of their learning. Over time many types of inquiry learning models have been developed, all placing the child as centre of the learning, giving children the opportunities to explore, question and management of their learning. The author’s own personal philosophy of teaching and learning collaborates this when affirming that ‘by creating a collaborative learning environment, children are able to grow and learn through exploring, experimenting and expressing and control their own

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