
Napoleon Bonaparte Success

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Trail blazers, goal setters, pathfinders: all of which are great men and women who have cut a path of innovation and information. Napoleon Bonaparte set the trail for militaristic improvement, and refinement, whether the prey or the predator Bonaparte’s quick ability to adapt, lead, convince, and his insatiable charisma has contributed to his success in each and every one of his campaigns.
Napoleone di Buonaparte later changed to Napoleon Bonaparte, was born August 15, 1769, the fourth of eleven children. He later became a prominent French military leader who died May 5th 1821. In his early life, Bonaparte was born into a modest family living in Corsica, France. In December of 1778 Bonaparte was sent mainland to attend a religious school in Autun. After transferring to one more school, Bonaparte entered the École Militaire in October of 1784, he earned himself the nickname “Little Corporal” due to his short stature. One year later he graduated as a 2nd Lieutenant into the french artillery. …show more content…

Quickly rising through the ranks, the 1793 siege of Toulon which lasted four months was an important chapter in developing Napoleon who had his first taste of victory. He was given control of the entire french artillery. He found a nearby hill to dominate his enemies harbor, forcing the British Navy out of the harbor. His cool charisma and quick adaptation promoted him to the rank of Brigadier General. After numerous campaigns young thirty five year old Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned emperor of France, the first native frenchman to hold the title of “Emperor” in thousands of years. His immaculate qualities such as his persuasiveness, strive for education, efficient organization, charisma, and his never wavering leadership led Napoleon to conquering, France, the Kingdom of Italy, the Confederation of the Rhine, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Croatia, and the

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