
NVQ 3 Essay

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Understand how to support individuals with autistic spectrum conditions.

Understand the main characteristics of autistic spectrum conditions.

It is important to recognise that each person on the autistic spectrum has their own individual abilities, needs, strengths, gifts and interests because no two individuals are the same. People on the autistic spectrum have their own set of unique characteristics and vary from one to another in terms of their abilities. Some clients may have similar needs, for example, assistance with money. However no two individuals on the autistic spectrum are the same so it is important not too make assumptions about them.
The types of difficulties that individuals tend to experience can be …show more content…

This compares to just 1% of the general population.
ADHD – Poor attention span together with marked over activity.
Understand how autistic spectrum conditions can impact on the lives of individuals and those around them.

It is important to remember that everyone is different and has their own individual experience. In some cases a diagnosis will not be made until, for example the individual is in their 60’s having worked all their life, got married and had a family, but obviously always feeling like a bit of an outsider. Others are obviously very different to other children from an early age and need alot of specialists, help and support – as do the parents.
Second, the impact of the autistic spectrum condition is not primarily about the autism itself. IT is more about how it effects a particular individual at a given time, taking into account the individuals mood, environment and the way others treat them.
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Stereotypes tend to be made by those who lack understanding whether is unintentional or not. Understanding is the key to accepting and valuing all differences. Whether it is about our race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever else makes up an individual’s identity. It is this lack of understanding that normally leads to stereotyped views, prejudice and discrimination. This sadly is mostly the case for those with autistic spectrum conditions and has a large affect on not only the

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