
My Lai Massacre Research Paper

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During the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, there were American soldiers who murdered over 300 civilians in the My Lai village. But also there were some who refused to participate in those types of murderous activities. Once the My Lai massacre was brought to the attention of American citizens, they were questioning why did some soldiers commit atrocities and some of the other soldiers did not? Hugh Thompson was asked during an interview on BBC “How could previously normal people butcher through over 500 unarmed civilians?” Hugh Thompson answered, “I blame the number one cause bad leadership or negative leadership.” He believed that the problem was that the higher commanding officers believed that they were doing the right thing. So they told their cadets to basically continue with the mission they were given. These cadets believed that they were fighting for the good of their country and that they were fighting against communism. During the interview he was also asked, “How do you explain soldiers raping and killing civilians with their bare hands?” Hugh Thompson answers with “Leadership that allows them to do it, negative peer pressure, prejudice, and fear.” Through out a soldier’s training they are taught to respect authority and follow any command they give within reason. The reason these commanding officers were able to …show more content…

But when people finally heard the story of what happened, they realized they really couldn’t say much about them. There were some that participated in the massacre and some that refused to participate. Can anyone ever judge anyone? No, because you don’t know what happened while they were there. You weren’t in the situation with the soldiers to know every detail to judge. Even if people could find out every detail about the My Lai massacre, people wouldn’t know what the soldiers were thinking to actually decide to kill

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