
Muscle Cars Essay

Decent Essays

Muscle cars have been around for over 60 years now they keep on

rebuilding themselves all the way up to this day. Although a lot has changed such as the body of

the cars and the engines. Most of these muscle cars are very hard to find now a days though as a

lot have disappeared. What this means is that a lot of the cars have been crushed in junk yards or

have rotted in some field just sinking into the ground from sitting for many years. Although the

cars that are recovered from the ground and still are in good shape are being grabbed up one by

one for use to build the dream muscle car. Because of how hard it is to find the perfect car makes

it almost impossible so a person really has to be patient and really look around being willing …show more content…

What this means is look at the “muscle cars” that are out there

now, those cars are not very much alike of what they used to be. Muscle cars now are fuel

injected to benefit the engine to help with gas mileage and all that and are said to have a ton of

horsepower. Although these newer muscle cars do have plenty of power and will more than

likely last longer than the older ones they just are not as fun to drive and tinker around with. The

old muscle cars had carbureted engines and were built specifically to be fast and to be loud along

with that. Talking american made muscle cars the main one that are most popular and most

commonly talked about is chevy, ford, and dodge as these cars were the big names back in the

day that most people drooled over. Back with these old cars they were just so easy to work on

which made people's lives so much easier as most everything on the car could be fixed or

replaced on the car by just the average person rather than having to take it to a mechanic and

hand over a paycheck for something to be fixed. Although these cars were very simple to

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