
Muriel Cooper Canons

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In many forms of art, there exists the concepts of canons. The concept of canons refers to a general set of rules that a group or person has adopted while creating their work, and in time these rules have become accepted as the style of that group or person by the community. In the case of graphic design, if we were to look at the canons, two cases come to light. The first one is Bauhaus; founded in 1919, it could be considered the first emergence of modern design. The second one, Muriel
Cooper; who revolutionized the way the production industry interacts with the design work and made mass production of these works much more efficient, she also foresaw the potential of digital media, distributed through computer screens over the internet, even before the internet …show more content…

Cooper did not change her design choices based on the industry’s demands. Instead, she chose to change how artists interact with the mass production of their work. Cooper, revolutionized how we, the people, and the artists connected with art. By making the feedback system between production and design much shorter, designers could see how their design choices affected the production line. This makes for better, more efficient production, without changing the quality of the designs. Muriel Cooper, is truly the maker of the modern world’s mass produced design content. A comparison between Bauhaus and Cooper might seem a little unfair considering that they were entities that existed in extremely different times. Given the unfortunate destiny of the many schools of Bauhaus, the closing down of the school and the obligation to work under the pressure of Nazi Germany, they could have been somewhat obstructed from truly doing what they intended. However, this does not mean that what Cooper achieved is not remarkable. Her time was the information age, and while the pressure of this aspect might not be higher than that of Nazi Germany, she achieved great things under

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