
Murder In Lord Of The Flies Persuasive Essay

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The novel, Lord of The Flies wrote by William Golding is based on the survial of young boys stranded on a island with no adults. The tv show, Lost is based on the survial of plane members traveling after a brutal crash. Through both of the plots, it shows the brutalness of being stranded and the push to survive in the same type of conditions. In both situations the characters are battling with “something” in the jungle and also inner demons they are battling within themselves. They are forced to make disitions that humans shouldn’t have to, or have the power to. So was the deaths of some of these characters accidently ? needed? Or harshley planned? The question being asked , what is murder? The definition of murder is, “ the killing …show more content…

Also he wasn’t killed or “murdered” against his will. He agreed to let sawyer shoot him, but taking into concideration that he missed, the doctor Jack, couldn’t let him lay there and slowly die. The killing of simon, in LOTF was in my opinion, manslaughter so let me explain, the boys were extremly scared of something in the jungle, they thought there was a huge beast out to get them, when really it was all fear inside them. There was nothing to be scared of excpet themselves. They thought they were killing the beast but they acually killed Simon. The “beast” was unclear to them but they still killed it anyways, which happened to be Simon. They didn’t have intentions to kill him, but they still did. Out of just being reckless and stupid they took his life. So I would call that manslaughter. Piggy’s death, wasn’t an accident, he was being a leader maybe even a little bossy, and Roger, leaned against a big rocki and it went over the lever and fell on top of piggy and knocked him out, then killing him. In the movie it looked like they were already throwing rocks at him, so it made the incident looked kinda

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