
Morality And The Origins Of Morality

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Most of the times Nietzsche understands “morality” as the set of values typical of the European society of his days. In this sense, it is safe to say that Nietzsche opposes morality and that genealogy serves the ultimate goal of undermining it. However, it is legitimate to envision for genealogy a scope for application which goes beyond the particular morality of 19th century Germans. Accordingly, my claim is that in Nietzsche European morality represents just one possible form of morality. Nietzsche himself seems to claim that he is focusing his attacks only on a specific instance of morality – one among possible others. So for example, in the preface to On the Genealogy of Morals he claims that the object of the book is the value of …show more content…

'2 Morals are therefore normative codes according to which we orientate ourselves in the context of different spheres of life.
Assuming that Schacht 's interpretation is correct, I believe that his analysis bear strong similarities with the view of morality I adopted in the first chapter. On one hand, Schacht’s talk of “spheres of life” leads to transcend our often restricted understanding of morality as including simply the realm of ethical rights and duties, or as being focused on explaining why and how we should act in order to live morally. In Schacht’s sense, morality rather seems to include the mores of the Latin or the ethoi of the Greek. In other words, our family of norms is the set of values we live by in all the different situations we come across in our existence, including many areas of life that the restricted understanding of morality would not consider as relevant. Furthermore, to understand these mores/ethoi as moral standards or imperatives to which we have to conform is to understand only a side aspect of them. In fact, more than simply being moral rules directing our behaviour, these customs constitute our un-reflected habits – that is, the way in which we automatically express ourselves in a particular context - , often being normative on a very unconscious level.

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