
Middle School Students Participating In Competitive Sports

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Middle school students competing in competitive sports is a highly debated issue.If I had to choose, I believe that competitive sports are important to the daily lives of people. Some people believe that competitive sports is a good way to bring forth your full effort into both sports and many other things. While others believe that kids shouldn’t jeopardize themselves just because of a practice or a game. Overall, students should be able to compete in competitive sports. One reason that competitive sports are extremely healthy for kids is that study shows that sports teach kids to be leaders, learn to play by the rules and also that it’s okay to make mistakes. For example, when someone starts to play basketball but is totally inexperienced while others are totally experienced, it will teach them to bring their full effort to not fall behind on his/her team. Also in sports it teaches them life lessons that they are going to be using every single day, like how to control emotions, being healthy is important, and many more. …show more content…

"21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports." Basketball For Coaches. N.p., 07 Nov. 2015. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.) Another reason is that since everyone wants to be at the top or the best in other words, they want to practice to get better. For example Michael Jordan practiced and practiced in order to be the best but he went through a lot like when he was in highschool he was kicked off his basketball team and went home and cried in his room the whole day. He was only able to be the the best because he was determined to be in the varsity league and he was embarrassed that he didn’t make and because of his passion for playing on the

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