
Mental Health In America Essay

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Individuals Of America With a Mental Health Issue As Americans it becomes natural to undermine those with a mental illness. As a fact, many adults and children deal with mental illness each and everyday. There are many stories that have been told to Americans about depression, anxiety, along with bipolar disorders, with the outcome usually being a negative consequence. For the 1 in every 5 citizens that deal with a mental illness each year. Americans have neglected the fact that many adults and children deal with mental issue(s), the citizens that refrain from getting help; their well being can suffer detrimental effects, there is not a lot of awareness either taught in school, or in public perspectives, American’s stigma has perfected their …show more content…

Many citizens do not get the help they need because they are afraid of what will happen after telling someone their feelings. Why is that? People with mental illnesses should be okay with telling someone, while not being scared about what they might think of them after getting the help. That is why citizens should get the help they need. Which then when they do not get the help they need it can lead to even worse circumstances. According to a doctor with a PhD, David Susman. The eight reasons people do not get help when they have a mental illness is, one, fear and shame. Two, limited awareness; three, lack of insight; four, feelings of inadequacy; five, distrust; six, hopefulness; seven, unavailability; lastly, practical barriers. Although that most likely did not make any sense to the reader, citizens with or without a mental illness should address the problem so people with mental illness do not feel like they are alone. If the depression does not get help thoughts of suicide become a natural occurrence, the depression can become worse, likewise other medical issues can arise. Such as pains/aches can happen all over the person with a mental illness, the brain chemistry of a person with a mental disorder changes which can lead to strokes or even a heart attack. The well being of those who have a mental health issue that do not get help, remains appalling, alarming, furthermore the people with mental health issues have perpetual

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