
Mengzi Human Nature

Decent Essays

Many people have different views about human nature. Some believe we tend to be good, others evil, and some even believe we can be neutral. Mengzi is more optimistic about humanity. He believes our nature is to be good. It is a belief he holds up throughout each book. Even though some like Gaozi, believe differently. But through all that we still can’t have a certain answer, it all depends on your own beliefs, be it religiously or morally.
Mengzi claims that by nature humans are inherently good. We don’t have an evil side until circumstances create it. Humans will always be good until our situations change us. Furthermore, “as for their becoming not good, this is not the fault of their potential…” (Mengzi 6A6 147-148). It is only natural for …show more content…

Either you can choose to be immoral and wicked, or you can let your circumstances choose for you. The “office of the heart is to reflect. If it reflects, then it will get [Virtue]. If it does not reflect, then it will not get it” (Mengzi 6A15 151). You have to actively seek out to be good. By forgetting about benevolence and righteousness you abandon them. In turn that forces you to go to the bad side. Being good and virtuous may come naturally, but we have to work to keep those values within us. Abandoning them is abandoning your nature. This makes it easier for you to forsake your character and embrace immorality. If you are “besieging [your nature] day by day, can it remain beautiful?... Others see that he is a bird or a beast, and think that there was never any capacity there” (Mengzi 6A8 149). It is easier to be a bad person than it is to be good, but ultimately it is our bad moments that we regret the most. Those will be the things that haunt us forever, and make us suffer with guilt. Being good to everyone, is a harder task but it is well worth it. We are inherently good, but we have to work to stay good and

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