
Medieval Art

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The painting’s context between 1400 and 1600 took place in a workshop during the fifteenth century. Hubert was given the responsibility to finish the Ghent Altarpiece. Due to his death on 1426, Jan took Huberts contract and signed it with the patron of the work. On May 6 1432 Jan completed the work requested by Joos. A citizen of Ghent, Vijd ordered the Ghent Altarpiece for the Church giving it to St. John the Baptist, which was located in his home city (Khan Academy 3). Visitors paid to see the art piece in the chapel. In 1521, Artists Gerard David and Albrecht Durer admired the piece and made drawings of it (Jones 1). Through 1600’s to 1900 an inscription was written on two donor panels on silver strips discovered in 1823 (Khan Academy 3).
In the 20th century, during iconoclasm, the panels were endangered and damaged by fire. At the time of war in 1934, some panels were being sold where others were being stolen from the Cathedral of Ghent by Napoleon Germans. The stolen pieces included panels depicting St. John the Baptist, and another depicting the Just Judges. The Germans had taken few of the panels during …show more content…

The colors thrown on a canvas or any art piece can brighten ones day. Moreover, art is a way to express oneself, which can be done my laying it out on a paper, board, or a canvas. Art makes one creative by enhancing their art skills and knowledge on art. After sitting through three art classes of Renaissance and Modern Art, I am fascinated with the art pieces presented to us in class. I’ve seen similar art works like the ones shown in class, but I never really focused on what the pieces of art convey. There was this one painting presented to us where Gabriel was in Mary’s room while Mary was reading a book. I would have never assumed or guessed that Gabriel was there to tell Mary she will be the mother of Christ. Therefore, art also consists of history and real life events, which can broaden ones

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