
Mayo Clinic Anorexia Nervosa

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The Effects of Anorexia on the Human Body and Organ Systems What is anorexia? According to Mayo Clinic, “anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of body weight.” People with the disorder are insistent on having complete control of their body’s appearance no matter the cost, which ultimately results in the interference with everyday activities and routines. Anorexia not only has tremendous effects on the psychological well-being of an individual, but has a great impact on many of the body’s organ systems. Although there isn’t solid evidence of what the exact cause of the disorder is, it is thought that there are many factors associated including “environmental, biological, and psychological factors” (Mayo Clinic). It has been suggested that there may be certain genes associated or genetic changes involved that contribute to the disorder, making certain individuals more susceptible than others. It has also been suggested that psychological effects such as obsessive compulsive tendencies or anxiety can leave individuals more prone as well. In today’s society, it is encouraged that only thin is healthy and acceptable, leaving individuals feeling inadequate and having little self-worth (Mayo Clinic). Anorexia has detrimental effects on the body’s circulatory system. Low blood sugar can create or …show more content…

Those suffering from the condition are at an increased risk for the destruction of the circulatory system and could potentially cost them their lives. Anorexia can occur in both males and females, but is most prevalent in teenagers and young adults due to an increasingly distorted view of personal appearance relating to the body image norms that society has inflicted on us. It is an illness which can kill and which makes life very distressing for everyone it touches in any

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