
Mathematics of the Eye and Color Essay

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Eye And Color

The eye form a “optical image” on the light sensitive cell of the retina. It is very often compared to a camera in it so workings. However it is like a camera in its focusing properties but is very different after the light has hit the retina. The camera just prints a point to point representation of the image on film, where as the is much more complex and interesting. The visible light is only a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and various wavelength in this visible spectrum of light represent different colors. Short wavelength light is reddish, medium wavelength light is greenish and long wavelength light is bluish. This make apparent in the a schematic of electromagnetic radiation below. The …show more content…

The of dioptric power of the relaxed lens is 19 and can be increased significantly by accommodation. The rim of the lens is irregular and exhibits diffraction so only used when absolutely necessary. The lens has a refractive index of 1.406 at the centre and 1.386 at the rim. The optical axis defined to be a line through the middle of the eye

* Vitreous Humor- liquid between the lens and the retina has a refractive index of 1.337. * Retina-is the light sensitive part of the eye. The part that converts the light stimuli into neural signals to be interpreted by the cerebral cortex. I will not discuss how the photoreceptors convert the light stimuli into electrical signals, since it involves bio-chemistry, a good description can be found in any physiology book. Light must pass through the neural layers of the retina before reaching the photosensitive layer which consists of rods and cones. The neural layer consist of ganglion cells and bipolar cells. The bipolar cells take the electrical from the photoreceptors to the ganglions cell which in turn form the optic nerve that connect the eye to the brain. The optic nerve and the blood circulation apparatus leave the eye at the optic disc or the blind spot. Named so because it has not photoreceptors. A special part of the retina crucial of acute vision is which does

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