
Marriage And Marriage : The Challenges Of Marriage

Decent Essays

Both husband and wife must be ready to build their marriage. Each stage of the process brings its own challenges and opportunities. In the early days we may be shocked by the things that we discover about each other that had not been apparent during the heady day’s engagement and marriage.
Marriage, like a home, requires maintenance and the occasional minor repair. A marriage can become static and cause a couple to feel trapped and bored. Marriage thrives on creativity and new initiatives. The two families’ can meet and the couple can talk freely in the same room. Nothing should be off the table. Stop this nonsense shyness. Ask what’s on your mind. Do you want children? Can you live with me and my parents? I work, how do you feel about that? Do you have any diseases in your family that I should know of? Can we move abroad in future? I will accept a second wife. Can you accept that? Can I continue my education? What are your expectations, Dreams, Ambitions? And don’t think people will be honest about everything.
An Iranian friend told me asking for physical tests to be conducted of both parties is normal in Iran. I think that’s good. Choose a neutral doctor so he/she can’t bribe them. It is no secret that guys have far more freedom and many sleep around whereas women don’t in our culture but not in our deen/Islam. Chastity is for both. Allah says impure women for impure men and pure women for pure men. It’s your eight to get a partner who lives up to your moral standards.

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