
Market Oriented And Product Oriented Businesses Essay

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Market Oriented Businesses succeed more than the Product Oriented Product oriented businesses focus their effort on the quality of the product and work towards having the best product, forgetting that individuals or customers have their own needs and wants. They have more research and testing going towards the product. On the other hand, market oriented businesses have the customer needs and wants at heart. They do research and testing based on the market and focus towards the customer. They understand that the customer is their boss and need to go out of their way to impress the boss. In a long time, it has been known that market oriented businesses make more profits and are successful as compared to the product oriented companies (Helfert, Ritter and Walter 2). This paper will argue out this notion according to different authors. According to Narver and Slatter (21), market oriented companies or businesses are doing much better. They go on to argue that there is no much evidence to support the view in that there is no direct relationship between succeeding companies and being market oriented. Minimal research has been done to support the claim and the authors say there might be other factors that make a company succeed apart from being market oriented. This claim is also supported by another study conducted by Helfert, Ritter and Walter (11). The authors say other factors like links with other organizations might be helpful in making an organization succeed.
I believe

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