
Marine Corps Leadership Essay

Decent Essays

Marine Corps Leadership NonCommissioned Officers are the backbone of the Marine Corps. Each leader is very different from the other. Some Marines enjoy being a corporal only because of the increase in rank and pay. A few become the tactless leaders junior Marines try to avoid. Fortunately, many others strive to become the leader that other Marines wish to emulate. They know what it means to be a good leader. Those Marines have the traits of a leader and they get to know their Marines An important part of being a leader, consists of the fourteen leadership traits. They are as follows: integrity, knowledge, courage, decisiveness, dependability, initiative, tact, justice, enthusiasm, bearing, endurance, …show more content…

-Tact: It is hard to respect a person when he calls a person out in front of everyone. It is better to correct a Marine in privacy. This is the leadership trait I need to work on. -Justice: A leader should be fair, and not play favorites with Marines. It is also important a leader hands out a fair punishment to a disobedient Marine. -Enthusiasm: It is important for leaders to show a good attitude when working on the mission. If the leaders display good attitude, so will the junior Marines. -Bearing: How a leader conducts himself is how a subordinate will judge his professionalism. If a leader does not act confident, followers will be unsure of the leader’s ability to execute a mission. -Endurance: This is vital mentally and physically. A leader needs to be able to do the physical tasks-be it running boots and utes or humping for ten miles-in order to encourage Marines to do the same. To do otherwise would be hypocrisy. Mental endurance is equivalent to physical endurance in its capacity. -Unselfishness: A leader needs to be willing to put others before himself. Send others to chow before himself; send them to the rack before himself; -Loyalty: Respect the Corps, and a leader’s Marines. Leaders display their loyalty to their Marines by taking care of the Marines’ needs. -Judgment: Sound decisions to ensure successful mission

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