
Marilyn Monroe Quotes

Decent Essays

Lani Wallen
Hour 6
Marilyn Monroe
Behind the Camera on the Life of Marilyn Monroe ¨Being normal is boring¨, is one of the most famous quotes said by Marilyn Monroe. She has many other quotes that young girls live up to. Another quote was, ¨give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world¨, this is also a very famous quote. Marilyn was known for a lot of ungrateful actions, but these quote brought out the best of her and let people recognize the good in her. Norma Jeane Mortenson ( also known as Marilyn Monroe) was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles. Norma had inherited an emotional disorder from her mother, Gladys Baker, which heightened her emotions leaving …show more content…

Mortenson left Radio Plane Munitions Factory where she worked since 1944. Later on in her modeling business did she meet Joseph Jasgur. They formed a unique relationship. He led her to the path of fame. “ If I would’ve know she was going to be this famous I would’ve took more pictures”, Jaguars states. People say he had a thing for Norma, others say he was just amazed by her beauty. Norma was getting paid 12.50 an hour. She ended up very wealthy because of this small leap to her future. One thing can lead to sometime remarkable in the …show more content…

She was limited to the amount of phone calls each month. JFK had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. Jackie his wife said, “Marilyn, you’ll marry Jack, that’s great . . . and you’ll move into the White House and you’ll assume the responsibilities of first lady, and I’ll move out and you’ll have all the problems.” So many conflicts occurred there was only one solution to Marilyn Monroe, drugs. Marilyn became dependant on sleeping pills because she had troubles sleeping. Also did she take barbiturates, (a drug that act as central nervous system depressants, and can therefore produce a wide spectrum of effects, from mild sedation to total anesthesia, or anti-depressant). Customarily she was found passed out, needing to pump the drugs out of her system. Until the day of August 5, 1962, her psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson in her bedroom at her Brentwood house. After he body was examined, the doctors found barbiturates poisoning in her blood, ones say it was an accident, as others map out evidence concluding to a

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