
Mandated Reporting Issues

Decent Essays

Mandated Reporting Issues The first example that I would like to discuss is suspected child abuse or neglect. Every state now has a statute that requires counselors and other professionals to report cases of suspected child abuse or neglect to a governmental agency ( Remley & Herlihy, 2016). Professionals are seen as mandated reporters and it’s a very essential part of their profession to protect children. Another example of a mandatory reporting issue occurs when a client is a danger to himself or others. Confidentiality does not apply when disclosure is required to protect clients or identified others from serious and foreseeable harm or when legal requirements demand that confidential information must be revealed ( Herlihy & Corey ,2016). Ethical and Legal Implications
In some situations, counselors must clarify that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed (Herlihy and Corey, 2016). Ethically, a counselor should be sure that …show more content…

A counselor must also obey the laws of his/ her state. When you are mandated to report certain issues you can be held accountable because by law it is required. The law would punish the counselor for failing to report abuse of a child. The punishment may vary from state to state but it is mandatory to report abuse. The Duty to warn act was established to inform those who are in harm’s way. A duty to warn also may exist when a client is suicidal and poses a danger to self (Herlihy & Corey). A counselor can be sued and held liable if a client has informed them of plans to harm themselves and nothing was done to protect them. Mental health professionals actually inherited the duty to predict dangerousness nearly a century ago (Simone & Fulero, 2005). It has been a counselor’s job for quite some time to recognize and handle harmful

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