
Major Depression Research Paper

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Depression is a sign of a weakness that can be wished away. People with a depressive disorder cannot just “pull themselves together” and expect to get better. Depression has great impacts on people’s lives, to some it is just a word, but to others it is a life ruiner. Clinical depression include: Major depression, psychotic depression, seasonal affective depression, and bipolar depression. Most people who experience this illness need treatment to get better, however; it does not always work most people start to feel anxious or depressed from losing a loved one, divorce, getting fired, and other difficult situations. These type of disorders and situations can lead a person to feel lonely, sad, or nervous. Some people experience these types …show more content…

A major depressive disorder is a condition characterized by one or more major depressive episodes without a history of manic, mixed, or hypomanic episodes. These major depressive episodes are not due to medical condition, medication, abused substance, or psychosis. The constant feeling of sadness or the loss of interest that characterizes can lead to physical and emotional conditions. The foundation of treatment is talk therapy with a trained psychologist. Major depression is a mental health condition. It is also known as clinical or unipolar depression. The exact cause of major is unknown. Although almost two-thirds of individuals with major depressive disorder respond to current therapies; at least one-third of those entering remission relapse back into depression 18 months posttreatment. Completed suicide occurs in up to 15% individuals with severe Major Depressive Disorder. Individuals with this disorder have more pain and physical illness and decreased physical, social, and role functioning. It is believed to be problems with a person’s genes, changes in the brain, or a mixture of both. In some cases it tends to run in families but can also occur in families with no history of the

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