
Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4 Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Good afternoon/morning class and teacher. Today i will be talking to you about a particular scene in shakespeare's MACBETH. Act 3 scene 4 (Banquo’s Ghost) from the director Michael Bogdanov’s 1998 film of MACBETH. The play Macbeth was first written in 1606 by William Shakespeare, the play’s main character is a man called Macbeth.Macbeth has a persuasive wife and has a best friend named Banquo. These characters have a fair bit to do with this play and are all a major part of macbeth's life. Macbeth was always a gullible person and easily manipulated by these 3 witches. Macbeth is constantly changing throughout the story. Macbeth was a nobleman and was a very loyal man to his king and would do anything for satisfaction. Macbeth is the person …show more content…

Macbeth could have taken the easy option out of life so many times. There were many times that nothing went macbeth's way however he stayed true and pulled himself through it. Macbeth eventually died but the audience still believed he died as a hero even for all of the wrong reasons he still dried a true scotish man. Nowadays there are still people that face very very bad situations that they aren't getting out of any easy way however they keep on fighting even if they have depression or a mental illness majority keep on going and eventually overcome the issue faced. Macbeth may be easily convinced which is shown to be a weakness but he still has the guts to pull through some of the hardest times any man has to face which is definitely a …show more content…

The main source of motivation is the three witches. The witches, who are introduced in the beginning motivate Macbeth to kill King Duncan. As soon as Macbeth realises that he has the power to make these prophecies a reality he stops. Throughout Macbeth’s journeys he has to overcome many many tough times. killing the king is just the start. After Macbeth gives into Lady Macbeth. Macbeth now has to live the the guilt and shame of killing King Duncan. This has since then dramatically changed him taunting him. Macbeth may have achieved his ultimate dream however it wasn't so worth it after now the guilt beneath the shame he faces. By this stage Macbeth is so out of control that he then kills his best friend Banquo Act 3 Scene

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