
Letter To The ASU Committee: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The author of this letter was very respectful towards their target audence of the ASU committee and is very effective in their argument and their pursuit to withdraw from future math classes needed for their diploma. The purpose of this letter was to not avoid taking the class or to be lazy in a roundabout way and the author offers several examples of why they believe they won't need it in the long run of their law degree. General followers of education will be able to relate to the sentiments, most of them being involved in classes that won't be at all beneficial to a degree of their choice.

The general belief around the country (or perhaps even the world) is that math classes will be beneficial to a well rounded student. In some cases, such as the author argued, this might be true as a recent high school graduate who hasn't had the life experiences that someone later in their life might have. The author continues to explain that in their line of previous work and general experience, they already have the general math knowledge that their degree will need.

The audience intended will already have the necessary information at hand, given that it's a letter of …show more content…

They were very respectful in their wording, avoiding getting snide when it might have been a temptation. When they stated that taking the math class that they were trying to avoid would result in getting off schedule for their degree completion and would require them going to school longer, they simply stated the fact and didn't use it as a bargaining chip. This reflected well on their tone for the letter, helping it remain professional instead of begging or pandering. Their word choice, again, reflected the letter of inquiry well. The words weren't in excess, weren't colorful but with the professional terms as opposed to slang or cliches, pulled it together and improved their chances in getting this motion

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