
Laws are not strong enough against animal cruelty and people do not know about this problem because

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Laws are not strong enough against animal cruelty and people do not know about this problem because it is not as prominent as others. Some of the reasons humans kill animals is for food, clothing, and entertainment. The way we kill animals in doing these are very brutal and inhumane. The only thing they care about is to produce a mass amount of meat, in a short period of time, and with little food to feed the animals. The last thing they are worried about is the animal itself and its feelings and needs.
Food factories are very disgusting places because of the way they kill animals. People are unaware of the conditions that these animals live in before they are killed and shipped to stores and restaurants. Each year in the United States …show more content…

This technique rarely works because many workers are poorly trained and the slaughter line moves so fast. The cows are then hung upside down and the workers slit the throats of the cows. After the cut, the cows begin thrusting around do to the immense pain, and are left there until they bleed out and die. Many of the cows are also hit and kicked and stomped on if they do not cooperate. In the video No Mercy - Calf Farm Cruelty Exposed it depicts many cows getting hit repeatedly in the head with a hammer. The cows are clearly still flailing and moving after the first blow. It takes many blows before the cow stops moving and it can feel every blow until it falls unconscious or dead. After watching that video Dr. Terry Engle stated
A number of calves are covered with nasty, open sores which very likely come from their being bedded on quicklime with no straw protecting them from its corrosive effects. The handling of these calves is also so outrageous as to count as cruelty, as when the animals are roughly and painfully picked up by the ears and tail, something so obviously hurtful that one hardly needs any experience with calves to know that it is wrong.
Because cows with cancerous and puss filled wounds’ meat is still certified to sell they go untreated. Millions of people each day eat beef without knowing what condition the cow was in prior to its slaughter.
Cows are not the only animals that are

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