
Kunk Fight Summary

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The events that led up to the rape and murder of a teenaged Iraqi girl and murder of her family directly resulted in the committing of the atrocity itself. Leading soldiers is not an easy, quick, or part-time job. From reading this book, I have gleaned that the issue wasn’t one of sub-par soldiers, but of poor leadership straight up the chain of command and I interpret the source of the problem to be the Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Kunk. Admittedly there were leadership failures from Gen. Petraeous all the way down to the team leader level, however, I believe most of the problems originated at the platoon level due to a general lack of support from the battalion level. This review will hit on main events in during the deployment but …show more content…

Commanders, executive officers and first sergeants all dreaded their meetings with the BC because every meeting would become a belittling and humiliating experience for at the very least one of them. The issue here was that it simply didn’t stop there. The Kunk gun wasn’t held in reserve for company brass but wildly pointed at anyone and everyone in its’ general vicinity. The lowest ranking soldiers often received many blasts from the Kunk gun as well. Again, this point will be brought up again later in the essay. There is a large section of the book that gives some background information on the AO the Black Hearts were entering. Sadaam planted Sunni families there as a buffer from the shi-ites during his time as dictator. Once the US toppled the Sunni dictatorship, it instilled Shi-ite led governance. This government was extremely sectarian and enabled Al Qaeda to utilize the Sunni’s fear to create a Sunni insurgency. South Baghdad being mostly Sunni due to Sadaam, was a hotbed of insurgent activity during Operation Iraqi

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