
Kantian Deontology, Utilitarianism, And Virtue Ethics

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Over the course we’ve studied three ethical theories, those theories are Kantian deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. These theories focus on different philosophies or views that are used to either explain or make a judgment in regards to what is considered right or wrong in a given situation. To begin with, ethical theories help explain why an individual believes that an action is right or wrong. It gives one an understanding of how an individual chooses to make ethical decisions. Which is why different ethical theories are not congruent with a different situation.
The first ethical theory is Kantian deontology. Kantian deontology is the view that “an act is good just in case it accords with the agent’s moral duty, and just in …show more content…

But it would be the opposite if you choose to do something morally wrong. Your happiness will decrease if it's morally wrong. A utility is a pleasure itself and the absence of pain.
The third ethical theory is virtue ethics. Virtue ethics is character-based, which mean virtue ethics shows how a person’s character matter above everything else. It focuses more on a person’s character rather than the action. Being virtuous mean that no matter the situation your character will depict how you respond to that situation. Which is why when determining if an act is morally good or bad it depends on the character and motive. For example, if someone is having a bad day and gets upset at you and start yelling at you, your response isn’t going to be getting mad at that person and yelling back at them. Instead of doing that a virtuous person would show kindness toward that person so that they can make him or she feels better. The moral excellence of a person or being a good person is a start to being virtuous.
Out of the three ethical theories, I’m torn between both virtue ethics and utilitarianism. The idea of these theories is quite interesting. As stated previously virtue ethics focus more on the person rather than the rules and consequence and utilitarianism focus on the principle of the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Both of these ethical theories are good, which is why I can’t say that I’ll ever follow one ethical theory because each one

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