
Joseph R Gray 's Confessions Of Nat Turner

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Nat Turner is the story of slavery and the horrors that led Turner to lead one of the bloodiest slave revolts of the time. It is told vividly through wordless images and occasional confession excerpts from Thomas R Gray’s book “Confessions of Nat Turner”. We learn and experience slavery and Turner’s tumultuous life story as he retells it in his confession to Thomas R. Gray. We learn about how Africans were hunted, shackled, branded, and transported in rat-infested ships; how they were humiliated, inspected, and sold; how they lived or existed; and the hopelessness and cruelty they experienced from their owners. Children were taken from their mothers, and would likely never see them again.. We also learn about Nat Turner: how he was told he was special, bright and inquisitive, and how he heard others saying he was destined for greatness. We also learn about how a young Nat Turner self-taught himself to read. This is fairly remarkable considering the fact that he never was given a formal education. We learn the circumstances of his life, ending with his execution for leading a bloody slave revolt in 1831. Baker’s graphic novel vividly, and effectively illustrates the historical, sociological, and psychological significance of the historical events which took place in our nation many years ago. The first chapter entitled “Home”, opens with a market scene somewhere in a remote African village. Initially, the villagers are depicted as going about their daily lives, trading for

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