
Johnson Controls, Inc. Policy Analysis

Decent Essays

The Johnson Controls, Inc. policy states that women were first required to sign a statement, then the policy was revised to limit the positions in which child-bearing women could work. Without examining the policy in its entirety, it is difficult to determine if this policy does constitute discrimination. On the surface, it seems to be discriminatory in that women are in a unique position because of their capacity to become pregnant whereas men, obviously, do not possess that same ability. There are several perspectives from which you can observe and approach this argument. The difference between protecting workers and discriminating against them falls into a gray area that is subject to interpretation. The two regulations that I will reference in this paper are the Pregnancy Disability Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008. I will also argue in favor of using the Family …show more content…

facilities. However, the company was treating their female workers differently than other employees and that is inherently discriminatory. An employer cannot discriminate against a certain class of people, in this case women, just because of their natural ability to bear children. Distinguishing between protection for female workers and discriminating against them is subject both to interpretation and perspective. I would definitely question the intentions of management at Johnson Controls, Inc. in reassigning workers to different positions or in restricting their opportunities, just because of gender and natural ability to bear children. Particularly if the positions that female employees were assigned or restricted to were lower paying positions with less

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