
Jib Fowles Advertising: 15 Basic Appeals Analysis

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Advertising: The Effects From viewing McDonald’s dollar menus on the freeways to admiring at the latest iPhone 7 promotions, there is no doubt advertisements have interfered with our lives. While the elderly is beginning to reminisce on the carefree lifestyles they had, adolescents are suffering from the excessive advertisements(ads) that appear on a daily basis. With superfluous advertisements in every direction, a civilian’s attention is easily captivated. The purpose of advertisements and commercials is to attract possible buyers into thinking the product is a necessity, rather than a luxury. In order to pursue this goal, the ad must somehow connect with the possible buyer. According to Jib Fowles from “Advertising: 15 Basic Appeals” …show more content…

On the favor side of Prop V, the promotions have been based off of the need to nurture. In Jib Fowles’s “Advertising: 15 Basic Appeals”, the definition of “the need to nurture” is “the appeal is to your paternal or maternal instincts”. In other words, viewers will feel a sense of guidance when knowing children with obesity can be prevented in their own hands. The main goal for those in favor of Prop V is to lower obesity. Those in favor of Prop V has stated “one in every three children born after 2000 will develop diabetes during their lifetime” (Favor of Prop V. Par. 2). So when given facts about children’s health in an advertisement people will simply believe that by raising taxes on sugary drinks, children obesity will be decreased. In order to refute those against Prop V, advertisements on YouTube, such as “Yes on V! - San Francisco Soda Tax” has concluded by stating “Measure (Prop) V is not a tax on groceries”. The advertising done on Proposition V has successfully demonstrated its purpose of lowering obesity through the appeal “the need to nurture”. At the end of the video, they have stated the effects this law has on berkeley by presenting happy and healthy …show more content…

6). However, many civilians are unaware of this phrase and are focused on “grocery tax”. Grocery tax is a simple way to say “ Proposition V is a tax on the distributors of hundreds of beverages and products, not on the products themselves” (Rebuttal of Prop V, Par.4). In other words, any business in general will be taxed when they import sugary drinks, but also have the ability to raise and groceries they would like to make up for the sugar tax. This is where “grocery tax” got it’s name. A news coverage on YouTube, “KPIX 5 News on Grocery Tax 9/3/16” is arguing against Proposition V. Within the video, ethos and pathos were used to state a strong argument. Rather than directly stating “the Mayor Libby Schaaf has said...”, they have used the Mayor’s authority not to promote Prop V, but to demote it. Since Mayor Schaaf was not able to respond when asked how will customers be guaranteed that soda tax is only on sugary drinks and not groceries, she stated “I’ll get back to you on that”. This demonstrates that there is no law to prevent small business owners from being able to raise prices on groceries. Additionally, the beginning of the video took place in the back of a small business. By doing so, this advertisement has shown that low income businesses and families will be the ones who are at risk.

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